GI News is published online every month by the
University of Sydney, School of Life and Environmental Sciences and the
Charles Perkins Centre, and delivered to the mailboxes of our 97,000
subscribers. Our goal is to help people choose the high-quality carbs
that are digested at a rate that our bodies can comfortably accommodate
and to share the latest scientific findings on food and diet with a
particular focus on carbohydrates, dietary fibres, blood glucose and the
glycemic index.
Publisher: Professor Jennie Brand-Miller, AM, PhD, FAIFST, FNSA
Editor: Philippa Sandall
Scientific Editor/Managing Editor: Alan Barclay, PhD, APD, AN
Contact GI News:
Sydney University Glycemic Index Research Service
Manager: Fiona Atkinson, PhD, APD, AN
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1 February 2019
GI News - February 2019
Posted by
GI Group
5:11 am
Fermented foods have burst
onto the health scene and are packing the supermarket shelves. What are
they? Do the health claims stack up? Here, dietitian Nicole Senior
checks them out and Prof Jennie Brand-Miller explains why many are low
Everywhere you look there is a revival of
time-honoured food preserving skills including jams, preserves, pickles
and chutneys. What was once a prudent method for prolonging the
nutrition and enjoyment of a seasonal harvest has become an uber-cool
way to turn your back on mass-produced food and make your own local
artisanal, bespoke food with heart.
What is fermentation? Fermentation occurs naturally when
bacteria is given an opportunity to transform the carbohydrates into
more complex substances. It is a process of using microorganisms such as
yeasts, bacteria and fungi as a food production or preserving method.
In the case of alcoholic beverages, yeast is used to ferment sugars into
alcohol, whereas in yoghurt bacterial cultures are used to ferment
lactose into lactic acid. Fungi can also be used to ferment foods, such
as the Japanese filamentous fungi Aspergillus oryzae called koji used to
make miso. Sourdough bread is another example of a fermented food using
wild yeasts in a sourdough culture. The ripening of cheeses involves
the introduction of microbes that develop flavour from breakdown
products of proteins and fats, and moulds are sometimes introduced such
as in blue-vein cheese. Fermented foods tend to be sour tasting but can
be very complex in flavour which adds to their culinary appeal. Here are
some common fermented foods and beverages:
- Sauerkraut – fermented cabbage
- Kim chee – Korean sauerkraut with added chilli
- Tempeh – fermented soybean cake, similar to tofu but with a beanier, lumpier texture
- Miso – fermented soybean paste used as a soup base and marinade
- Yoghurt – cultured milk using a variety of lactobacillus strains
- Kefir – milk drink cultured with bacteria and yeasts – the bacteria is different to yoghurt
- Kombucha – an effervescent fermented tea
Why do many fermented foods have a low GI? Prof Jennie Brand-Miller explains. “One reason many fermented foods are beneficial to health is the production of organic acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid (the same acid as in vinegar), etc. These are by-products of the fermentation process when the bacteria/yeast metabolise the carbohydrates (sugars and starches) in the food or drink. These organic acids not only add distinctive flavours to the food or drink, they also lower the pH, making it difficult for harmful microorganisms to grow. In our stomachs, they slow down a food’s rate of emptying into the intestine, which in turn slows the rate of digestion and absorption of the food’s carbohydrates into the blood stream, lowering the overall GI.
In traditional breads (e.g., sourdoughs), the slow fermentation not only produces the organic acids that create that unique flavour, but also the slow rise of the dough due to the production of gases (e.g., carbon dioxide). This helps the bread develop the bubbly and chewy texture characteristic of a quality bread. The gluten (protein in wheat) matrix slowly develops and traps the bubbles of gas, which is why traditional sourdough breads have a low GI (54), even when they are made of refined white flour.
Yoghurt and fermented milk drinks like kefir, lassi, leben, and Yakult all have a low GI. There are several reasons why.
- Unique proteins in milk increase insulin production which accelerates the removal of glucose from the bloodstream.
- Milk sugar (lactose) has a lower GI (46) than sucrose (65) because the enzyme lactase works more slowly.
- Finally, the lactic acid produced by the fermentation of the lactose by various strains of bacteria like of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophiles slows stomach emptying and therefore the rate that food is digested and absorbed.
Posted by
GI Group
5:10 am
studies over the past 20 years have shown that high yoghurt intake is
associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. In Nutrition Today,
Prof Tom Wolever talks about yoghurt’s glycemic and insulinemic impact
of yoghurt.
“There is evidence that low GI and low GL (glycemic load) diets
are associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. The 93 GI values
for yoghurt in the University of Sydney’s GI database have an average of
34 and most (9 out of 10) of the yoghurts are low GI. The 43 plain
yoghurts in the database have a lower GI (average GI = 27) than the 50
sweetened yoghurts (average GI = 41). This difference is not explained
by sugar, per se, but rather by the higher protein-to-carbohydrate ratio
in plain yoghurt. Although yoghurt has a low GI, its insulinemic index
is higher than its GI. High insulin responses may be deleterious because
hyperinsulinemia is associated with an increased risk of type 2
diabetes. Nevertheless, this may not be a concern for yoghurt because,
although its insulinemic index is higher than its GI, the insulinemic
index of yoghurt is within the range of insulinemic index values for
non-dairy low-GI foods. In addition, mixed meals containing dairy
protein elicit insulin responses similar to those elicited by mixed
meals of similar composition containing non-dairy protein. Because the
GI of yoghurt is lower than that of most other carbohydrate foods,
exchanging yoghurt for other protein and carbohydrate sources can reduce
the GI and GL of the diet, and is in line with recommended dietary
patterns, which include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes,
fish, vegetable oils, and yoghurt.”
What’s the Insulinemic Index? Prof
Jennie Brand-Miller explains. “One of insulin’s many functions is to
act as a growth hormone designed to drive nutrients into cells – not
just glucose but also amino acids, the building blocks of new tissue.
When we eat carb-rich foods our blood glucose levels rise and our
pancreas then releases insulin (a hormone) that drives the glucose out
of our bloodstream and into our body’s cells where our body can use it
as an immediate source of energy or store it as glycogen. What many
people don’t realise is that protein foods (meat, fish, eggs and dairy
foods) also stimulate insulin secretion – that’s why you may see them
described as insulinogenic.”
Scientists at the
University of Sydney have been researching the food insulin index or FII
for more than 20 years. “The FII looks at how much insulin the body
normally releases in response to a whole food or meal (its carbohydrate
and the quantity and quality of its protein and fat). Some foods need
more insulin to help utilise them, while other foods need much less.
Choosing foods with a lower FII can help reduce your overall insulin
demand on your pancreas or insulin requirements,” says dietitian and
diabetes educator Dr Kirstie Bell.
Read more:
Posted by
GI Group
5:09 am
Does kombucha shape up as the magic elixir of life that “wellness” gurus make out? Is it a “super food”? Dietitian Catherine Saxelby, who maintains the popular Foodwatch website, investigates.
Should you start making it at home? Is it something to add to your daily intake? The short answer is "not really". If you want to add fermented food to your diet you’d be better off making your own sauerkraut which is quicker and easier to do. The long answer? Well, you MAY be getting some friendly bacteria to help your digestion or gut function but no-one knows for sure, and there is likely to be significant differences due to natural variations in the organisms used in the fermentation. There’s not a huge amount of research into Kombucha’s health benefits. To my way of thinking, its greatest advantage is its lower sugar content combined with its refreshment value as a tart, effervescent drink.
Kombucha is a slightly sweet, slightly acidic, fermented beverage based on tea, generally black tea but occasionally green or herbal tisanes. It is made from water, tea, sugar, bacteria and yeast. It’s a little fizzy which is refreshing and is drunk for its supposed health benefits which are mainly improved digestive balance and gut health from the bacteria you ingest. It’s been drunk for this health reason for centuries in Japan, China, Russia, Germany and the USA. It is obtained from an infusion of tea leaves with a SCOBY (which stands for a “Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast”). The fermentation by this “tea fungus” or “mother” is the process that ferments the sugar and yields acetic acid (which gives a characteristic sharp taste), carbonic acid, alcohol and carbon dioxide gas that adds the bubbles.
At around 1 per cent sugars, Kombucha is much lower in kilojoules/calories than other sweet drinks, such as juices (8–14 per cent) or iced teas (range 5–6 per cent). A half cup (125ml) of kombucha has 75kJ/18 calories while the same amount of iced lemon tea has 380kJ/90 calories. Of course, all this depends on what brand you buy or how you brew it. Devotees of kombucha claim it can stimulate the immune system, prevent cancer, improve digestion, prevent heart disease and boost liver function, claims similar to those made for vinegar. It may but it all depends on how you’ve brewed it. There’s scant scientific research to support these health claims. An excellent summary of the research can be found in a review in Comprehensive Reviews of Food Science and Food Safety. In it, Jayabalan et al sum up my thoughts nicely when they say: “Currently Kombucha is alternately praised as ‘the ultimate health drink’ or damned as ‘unsafe medicinal tea’. There are many conceptions and misconceptions regarding the health benefits and toxicity of Kombucha beverage. Though it is claimed to be beneficial for several medical ailments, very little or no clinical evidence is available for that.”
You can buy bottled kombucha, both pasteurized and unpasteurized, in various flavours everywhere from health food stores to supermarkets. The downside is that kombucha’s probiotics do not survive the pasteurization process, and drinking it unpasteurized, if it was not produced in sanitary conditions, may pose a food safety threat, especially for those who are pregnant or have compromised immune systems. So be careful where you buy it. And only buy it if it’s refrigerated.
Read more:
Posted by
GI Group
5:07 am
water. To brew a batch that’s all you need along with a few black or
green tea or teabags, some sugar and a SCOBY “pancake”. For flavour, add
slices of lemon, orange, strawberries or ginger root when serving. Most
recipes we looked at make around 2 litres (quarts) which makes the
price per 100ml/3½fl oz around the cost of a teabag and a couple of
teaspoons of sugar (say 30 cents) – most people get the SCOBY from a
neighbour or friend already brewing. We took a look at what’s in three
top-selling brands owned by international corporations. We found that
they cost significantly more – around AUD$1–1.35 per 100ml/3½fl oz
KEVITA Master Brew Kombucha – Ginger (PepsiCo)
Sparkling Water, Kombucha Culture (Filtered Water, Black Tea Extract,
Green Tea Extract, Natural Flavor), Filtered Water, Cane Sugar, Ginger
Extract, Bacillus coagulans LactoSpore MTCC 5856, Black Tea Extract,
Black Tea Essence, Caffeine (Green Coffee Bean Extract), Green Tea
Extract, Stevia Leaf Extract.
- LactoSpore is a commercial probiotic preparation containing L(+) lactic acid producing microbial preparation from Bacillus coagulans, MTCC 5856 (earlier known to be Lactobacillus sporogenes).
- Stevia Leaf Extract is a collection of intense sweeteners derived from stevia leaves. These contain a number of steviol glycosides – a type of very sweet molecule. Stevioside, rebaudioside A and M have been commercialised and are added to foods and beverages and used in tabletop and pourable products.
MOJO Crafted Kombucha – Ginger (Coca-Cola)
Ingredients: Organic Crafted Kombucha (Water, Organic Sugar, Organic Tea, Kombucha Culture), Ginger Juice (2%), Probiotic (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30 6086).
REMEDY Organic Kombucha – Ginger Lemon (Lion Nathan)
Ingredients: Certified organic raw kombucha, (pure water, wild kombucha culture, organic black tea, organic green tea), organic ginger, naturally fermented organic glucose (erythritol), organic lemon, organic stevia (steviol glycosides).
- According to the nutrition information panel, Remedy contains 5g carbohydrate but no sugars. So where do the carbs come from? We think it is probably the erythritol which is a derivative of glucose (a monosaccharide sugar). It would be interesting to know how much glucose goes into the pot.
- Erythritol is a polyol (sugar alcohol), which is a type of carbohydrate with a chemical structure that partially resembles sugar and partially resembles alcohol. It’s naturally found in very small amounts in some plants (grapes, melons, and mushrooms), and is manufactured in commercial quantities by a fermentation process typically using wheat or cornstarch. In the US and Canada, polyols are listed on food labels in the carbohydrates section; Australia’s regulations are unhelpful for consumers in this regard which is a pity as they are increasingly being added to the food supply as sugar replacers – and the more you consume the more likely you will succumb to the potential laxative effect.
- While most polyols have a reputation for having a gassy and laxative effect, erythritol doesn’t because most of it is rapidly absorbed in the small intestine and excreted unchanged in urine. Only about 10 per cent enters the large intestine, where either the healthy bacteria feast on it, or it is excreted in faeces. EU approval for erythritol excludes its use in beverages, as there is a concern that the laxative threshold value may be exceeded when it is consumed this way, especially by young people.
Posted by
GI Group
5:05 am
number of people developing type 1 diabetes has increased significantly
all around the world since World War II, but incidence rates (number of
new cases in a year) vary amongst regions. It is most common in
Northern Europe, with Finland having the highest rate in the world, with
more than 60 new cases per 100,000 people per year. Surprisingly, there
is a 5- to 6-fold higher incidence of type 1 diabetes in Finnish
Karelia compared to Russian Karelia. Karelia is a region in Finland that
crosses into Russia. The border between Finnish and Russian Karelia
marks one of the sharpest boundaries in the standard of living and
health in the world.
The risk factors for type 1 diabetes are still not fully known or
understood and are the subject of ongoing scientific research.
Environmental factors (e.g., sunlight and vitamin D production) and
exposure to certain infectious diseases have been linked to the risk of
developing type 1 diabetes, but the research is not conclusive. There is
emerging evidence that the microbiome can affect the risk of developing
type 1 diabetes in genetically susceptible individuals.
148 infants who were at risk of developing type 1 diabetes and living
in Finland and Russia were followed from birth to 3 years of age. Each
month, stool samples and laboratory assays were collected, and
questionnaires regarding breastfeeding, diet, allergies, infections,
family history, use of medications, and clinical examinations were
conducted. It was found that Finnish infants had a greater proportion of
Bacteroides species, whereas the Russians had more Bifidobacterium in
their stools. The nature and composition of different
lipopolysaccharides derived from the respective microbiomes determined
the level of immune activation in the infants. It is interesting to note
that it has also been found that the injection of an immunogenic
subtype of lipopolysaccharides from E. coli in to mice can decrease the
incidence of diabetes. More research is needed to determine if changing
the microbiome can decrease the risk of developing type 1 diabetes in
susceptible humans.
The gut microbiome composition within the first year of an
infant’s life is largely shaped by milk, the sole nutrient source
available to infants, whether from breast- or bottle-feeding. After
that, foods and drinks consumed have an increasingly large impact.
Traditional Russian Karelian cuisine has been developing for centuries
and incorporates a variety of local foods including fish (lake), wild
mushrooms, berries and honey. Milk and dairy foods are popular, along
with bread made from barley, rye or oat flour. Meat is traditionally a
winter dish and is not eaten every day. Drinks include bread and turnip
“kvas” (In Russian “kvas” means mildly alcoholic drink made from
fermented rye bread, yeast or berries) and teas from wild raspberries
and currants.
While we are unable to prevent type 1
diabetes at this point in time, research into our microbiome may help
certain at-risk individuals prevent it in the future. Stay tuned.
Read more:
- The emerging global epidemic of type 1 diabetes.
- Hunt for the origin of allergy - comparing the Finnish and Russian Karelia.
- Environmental risk factors for type 1 diabetes.
- The Role of the Intestinal Microbiome in Type 1 Diabetes Pathogenesis.
- The Karelia study of type 1 diabetes.
- Russian Karelian cuisine.
Alan Barclay, PhD is a consultant dietitian and chef (Cert III). He worked for Diabetes Australia (NSW) from 1998–2014 . He is author/co-author of more than 30 scientific publications, and author/co-author of The good Carbs Cookbook (Murdoch Books), Reversing Diabetes (Murdoch Books), The Low GI Diet: Managing Type 2 Diabetes (Hachette Australia) and The Ultimate Guide to Sugars and Sweeteners (The Experiment, New York).
Contact: You can follow him on Twitter or check out his website.
Posted by
GI Group
5:04 am
Were you gifted yet another unneeded
donut maker or fondue fountain for Christmas? After being stored in your
kitchen for a short while, your electronic waste or ‘e-waste’ will
eventually be thrown into landfill. E-waste includes any gadgets with a
battery or power cord, including kitchen appliances and white goods.
Throwing these unwanted items into landfill isn’t just wasteful; it is
harmful to our environment.
The issue with e-waste The consequences of our lust for
the latest and greatest gadgets are disturbing. According to the
government of Victoria, Australia, in 2016 we produced almost 45 million
tonnes of e-waste globally and sadly only 20 per cent was recycled. The
rest went straight to landfill. Burying enormous volumes of e-waste is
simply not sustainable.
When we throw away electronics,
we waste the resources used to make them and produce even more
greenhouse gases trying to mine and process more metals for new ones.
E-waste contains valuable metals that can be recycled and reused
multiple times. We are literally throwing away tonnes of precious metals
like copper, gold and silver every year. These resources are limited,
once they end up in landfill, they are gone forever. The Victorian
Government is putting a ban on e-waste in landfill from 1 July 2019 (you
could lobby your government to do the same).
If not
recycled properly, our devices can end up in e-waste graveyards in Asia,
Africa and South America. There you find children gathering and burning
e-waste while inhaling toxic fumes that increase their risk of lead
poisoning. Burying it is also a bad idea as heavy metals can leach into
the soil and potentially enter the food chain. According to community
group Clean Up Australia, a massive 70% of the toxic chemicals in landfill, such as mercury and lead, come from e-waste.
Do you really need to upgrade? Only
upgrade your gadgets when they have reached the end of their life and
cannot be repaired. Before buying new electronics do your research and
invest in items that can be repaired and recycled. Often slimmer designs
are glued or soldered together, making them difficult to recycle or
repair. Support companies that create sustainable designs.
How to recycle your e-waste
If you have somehow ended up with more electronics than you can use,
give them to friends or a local charity. Check out online communities
like Oz Recycle where you can give away unwanted electronics to people
who need them. For any electronics containing personal data such as
mobile phones or computers, use the factory reset setting to wipe the
data before giving them away.
If your e-waste can’t be
re-used, recycle it. You can often recycle e-waste for free, just Google
‘nearby e-waste drop off locations’ or contact your local council. Some
governments have implemented stewardship schemes that require
manufacturers of electronics to fund the collection and recycling of
their products when they can no longer be used. In Australia, visit
Recycling Near You to find local drop off points for a range of e-waste,
even whitegoods and light bulbs. In Europe you can return e-waste to
the retailer, as they are required by law to organise suitable recycling
(why isn’t the rest of the world doing this?). Whereas in the US,
recycling schemes vary in each state so you will need to contact your
local government authority to find drop off points.
E-Waste in a Nut Shell
- To reduce your environmental footprint, minimise your e-waste.
- Extend the life of your electronics by repairing them and replace only as needed.
- Recycle electronic appliances and gadgets at the end of their life.
- Choose electronic goods carefully and support companies with repairable and recyclable designs.
Nicole Senior is an Accredited Nutritionist, author, consultant, cook, food enthusiast and mother who strives to make sense of nutrition science and delights in making healthy food delicious. Contact: You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or check out her website.
Posted by
GI Group
5:03 am
Dietitian Nicole Senior wrote this for us a few
years ago. We asked her to update it for Good Carbs Food Facts this
month as sauerkraut is a must for our fermented issue.
in vitamin C, vitamin K, folate and cancer-fighting phytochemicals,
cabbage is one of those veggies you can enjoy in many different ways.
Some people hold back because it’s famous for causing profuse bottom
burps high on the malodorous meter. The gas is due to high fibre and
FODMAP content and the whiff is caused by a sulfurous compound called
sulforaphane. FODMAPs (an acronym for Fructose, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols)
are essentially poorly absorbed sugars and polyols (sugar alcohols)
that ferment in the bowel and create gases that are actually beneficial
but can also cause misery in people with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
who tend to be sensitive to FODMAPs.
Cabbage is most aggressive when raw and is tamed by cooking and
particularly by fermenting; another bonus for this ancient preservation
method. Cabbage can become stinky even before you eat it but you can
prevent this by not over cooking it. Try it stir-fried with sliced onion
and finished with a dash of balsamic or raspberry vinegar.
Sauerkraut is
one of the most well known fermented foods. The word sauerkraut is
German but it’s popular throughout Eastern Europe, and the Dutch and
French also have their own versions. Fermenting cabbage was
traditionally used to preserve a glut of cabbage without refrigeration
and has become popular again with a trend toward more wholesome,
home-made, natural foods, as well as food preserving. The recipe is very
simple and the flavour comes from the magic that happens when lactic
acid bacteria have their way with shredded cabbage – a process similar
to making yoghurt from milk. Sauerkraut is basically cabbage that has
been left to stew in its own juice. The result is sour, a bit salty and
marvellously complex. Making sauerkraut is pretty simple as it only
requires salt and a bit of elbow grease. Simply bruise shredded cabbage,
add salt, weigh the cabbage down with something heavy and fill with
water. You could add some spices such as juniper berries to the water,
or mix in some red cabbage to make pink sauerkraut. You need to leave it
about a month.
Slaw is short for coleslaw, also
known as cabbage salad and is a recipe as old as the hills and used to
be as uncool as they come. It just goes to show everything old can be
new again. I’m delighted this salad classic is having its moment in the
sun. I was amazed to discover that slaw was not invented by the
Australian Country Women’s Association (a group of strong, resourceful
rural women famous for their food skills), but rather it is quite
cosmopolitan in its provenance. The American classic is made with
mayonnaise rather than vinaigrette dressing; the German version krautsalad often has apple; the Italians have one called capricciosa; the Swedes have pizzasallad (and
they eat it with pizza); and the British version has carrot and red
onion (and this is the one I grew up with). The ’slaw I make most often
now is Asian style with cabbage, carrot, spring onion, fried noodles and
sesame oil vinaigrette- yum. ‘Slaw adds colour, crunch, flavour and
health to rolls, wraps and sandwiches, and makes a smashing side to
grilled meats or fish.
Posted by
GI Group
5:02 am
THE GOOD CARBS COOKBOOK The Good Carbs Cookbook (by Alan Barclay, Kate McGhie and Philippa Sandall) published by Murdoch Books
helps you choose the best fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, lentils,
seeds, nuts and grains and explains how to use them in 100 refreshingly
nourishing recipes to enjoy every day, for breakfast, brunch, lunch,
dinner and dessert. The recipes are easy to prepare, (mostly) quick to
cook, long in flavour and full of sustaining goodness, so you feel
fuller for longer. There is a nutritional analysis for each recipe and
tips and helpful hints for the novice, nervous, curious or time-starved
vegetables must be of the highest quality for fermenting. Broccoli
florets the same size as the cauli or small trimmed halved Brussels
sprouts make a lovely ‘green’ addition. Other than the ratio of sea salt
to water for the brine, there’s no standard recipe. You create your
3 garlic cloves, peeled and bruised (optional)
2 cups small cauliflower florets, rinsed in cold water
2 large carrots, peeled, cut into thin sticks
3 tablespoons (12 teaspoons) sea salt
3 cups (1.25 litres/24 fl oz) filtered water
the garlic in the bottom of clean jars or large container. Cover with
even layers of beetroot, cauliflower and carrot leaving a space at the
top of about 2.5 cm (1 inch). • Dissolve sea salt in the water and pour
slowly over the vegetables. Use a thin utensil (a chopstick is ideal) to
release any trapped air bubbles. Add more brine if necessary to
completely cover the vegetables. Weigh the vegetables down with the
weight of choice. • Cover each jar with a tight lid, airlock lid,
cabbage leaves or coffee filter secured with a rubber band. • Ferment at
room temperature until the desired flavours and textures are achieved.
If using a tight lid without an airlock, “burp” daily by gently starting
to unscrew the lid to release excess pressure. Once the vegetables are
finished, secure with a tight lid on the jars and move to cold storage
or refrigerate.
Per serve
calories; 5g protein; 0.5g fat (includes 0g saturated fat; saturated :
unsaturated fat ratio 0.0); 15g available carbs (includes 15g sugars and
0g starches); 9.5g fibre; 3065mg sodium; 920mg potassium; sodium :
potassium ratio 3.3
yoghurt is made the traditional pot set way to produce a thick and
creamy texture. Inspired by the flavour, colour, texture and taste of
the vegetable garden, they have developed a range of recipes to help us
up our veg intake by adding a dollop of their pot-set Greek yoghurt
toppings. They have kindly shared the following recipes with GI News
yoghurt is a great way to add oomph to veggie fritters. Add other
vegetables such as wilted kale, grated eggplant, zucchini or corn and
substitute wasabi for horseradish and amaranth for quinoa if you wish.
Serves 6
400g (14oz) can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
400g (14oz) can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 cup coriander leaves
1 medium red chilli, seeded and chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 tbsp Greek yoghurt
1 cup cooked quinoa
⅓ cup edamame, blanched
⅓ cup green peas, blanched
1 green onion, finely sliced
⅓ cup quinoa flour
2 eggs, lightly beaten with
2 tbsp Greek yoghurt
1½ cups quinoa flakes
Vegetable oil or oil spray
Lemon wedges to serve
Horseradish yoghurt
1 cup Greek yoghurt
1½ tbsp (6 tsp) prepared horseradish
1½ tbsp (6 tsp) lemon juice
Salt and cracked pepper, to taste
oven (220°C/200°C fan forced) and line a baking tray with baking paper •
Puree cannellini, chickpeas, coriander, chilli, garlic, egg and
yoghourt in a food processor until coarsely mashed but mixture holds
together. • Place mixture in a large bowl and add quinoa, edamame, green
peas, green onion, and salt and pepper to taste if desired. Shape
approx ¼ cup of mixture into balls and flatten slightly. Dip in flour,
dust off excess, dip in egg and yoghurt mix, then roll in quinoa flakes.
• Spray or lightly brush with oil and bake, for 20 minutes or until
golden, turning halfway through. • To make horseradish yoghurt, place
all ingredients in a bowl & whisk to combine. • Serve fritters
with horseradish yoghurt and lemon wedges.
Per serve
calories; 25g protein; 10g fat (includes 2.5g saturated fat; saturated :
unsaturated fat ratio 0.33); 64g available carbs (includes 15g sugars
and 49g starches); 15g fibre; 465mg sodium; 943mg potassium; sodium :
potassium ratio 0.49
Posted by
GI Group
5:01 am
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Nutritional analysis To analyse Australian foods, beverages, processed products and recipes, we use FoodWorks which contains the AusNut and Nuttab databases. If necessary, this is supplemented with data from or
Disclaimer GI News endeavours to check the veracity of news stories cited in this free e-newsletter by referring to the primary source, but cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies in the articles so published. GI News provides links to other World Wide Web sites as a convenience to users, but cannot be held responsible for the content or availability of these sites. All recipes that are included within GI News have been analysed however they have not been tested for their glycemic index properties by an accredited laboratory according to the ISO standards.
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GI Group
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