GI News is published online every month by the
University of Sydney, School of Life and Environmental Sciences and the
Charles Perkins Centre, and delivered to the mailboxes of our 97,000
subscribers. Our goal is to help people choose the high-quality carbs
that are digested at a rate that our bodies can comfortably accommodate
and to share the latest scientific findings on food and diet with a
particular focus on carbohydrates, dietary fibres, blood glucose and the
glycemic index.
Publisher: Professor Jennie Brand-Miller, AM, PhD, FAIFST, FNSA
Editor: Philippa Sandall
Scientific Editor/Managing Editor: Alan Barclay, PhD, APD, AN
Contact GI News:
Sydney University Glycemic Index Research Service
Manager: Fiona Atkinson, PhD, APD, AN
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1 February 2020
GI News - February 2020
Posted by
GI Group
5:08 am
Dietitian Nicole Senior reports.
any food could be considered a super food, it’s seafood (fish and
shellfish). High in protein, and low in saturated fat, it’s a major
source of healthy long-chain omega-3 fats and rich in nutrients such as
iron, zinc, selenium, iodine, and vitamin D. And there is strong
evidence eating it is good for the heart. Quality observational studies
have shown approximately one to two 100-gram (3½-ounce) servings of
fatty fish a week – salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, or sardines –
reduce the risk of heart disease.
There is also consistent evidence that consuming fish two to
three times a week along with leafy greens and other fruit and
vegetables daily and low GI carbohydrates can reduce your risk of
developing macular degeneration, or help to slow its progression if it
has already become established.
Nutrition guidelines around the world suggest adults eat two serves of
seafood a week. A serving is 100g (3½oz) of cooked (or 115g/4oz raw),
which is around the size of your hand, or the amount in a small can.
While battered and deep‐fried fish ’n’ chips are delicious, steamed,
broiled/grilled, baked or pan‐fried fish are better options. Boost the
health benefits and serve with plenty of vegetables or salad.
There is a huge variety of seafood to choose from but we creatures of
habit tend to stick to a limited range of our favourites that are quick
and easy to prepare and available all year round. However, globally,
overfishing is a big problem. Taking pressure off fish stocks means we
need to branch out and try different types of seafood. An added bonus is
the less popular species tend to be cheaper.
If you
want to expand your options, ask the fishmonger about what’s local and
abundant or check out the “nose to tail” movement that promotes using
all of the animal or in this case, fish. We as citizen-eaters can help
by eating “fin to fin” (i.e. the whole fish and not just our favourite
boneless, fillets) and not wasting any because throwing seafood in the
bin stinks to high heaven and just adds insult to injury (it wastes the
already significant environmental costs in producing it). If you have
the space, you can bury your seafood scraps in the yard or garden to
enrich the soil.
Look online, and you’ll find there are
a number of people and organisations already promoting lesser-known
fish with tips on how to choose and recipes to get great results. If you
want to be adventurous in the kitchen, a good place to start would be
Josh Niland’s The Whole Fish Cookbook (Hardie Grant), which is packed with ideas for cooking undervalued and less celebrated fish, and yes, the whole fish.
Now is the time to be selective. Avoid raw fish (e.g. sashimi, sushi),
pre‐cooked prawns and smoked salmon due to the risk of listeria (a
bacteria that can cause problems for the unborn child if the mother
becomes infected). Fish and seafood are nutritionally important foods
during pregnancy but some species contain high levels of mercury and
some caution is required. Check your local health authority for which
species to limit or avoid, but keep in mind most are OK and seafood
provides essential nutrients during pregnancy. In general, predator fish
species at the top of the food chain accumulate higher levels of
mercury – smaller fish species are lower in mercury. Canned fish
products are not high in mercury.
people are concerned about seafood sustainability, but the twice a week
recommendation for health (around 200g total) is about the amount of
fish the EAT-Lancet Planetary Health Diet recommends (28g/day or
196g/week) to eat sustainably within natural limits. In reality most
people eat less than this now, so sustainability concerns need not stop
you from the twice a week target, provided you choose wisely.
Niland sees sustainability as a three-pronged approach. “First, you
have to be aware of the stock status of the species, Second, you have to
be aware of the practices of the fishermen who caught your fish. Was it
trawled in large nets or individually line caught? Finally, waste
minimisation.” He believes we need to give far more consideration to the
elements that traditionally would be considered as waste. Many of the
world’s most highly desired and loved dishes have been born from the
utilisation of waste. Why should fish be different?
sustainable seafood is important to ensure an ongoing supply for future
generations. How? Look for sustainability logos when shopping for
packaged seafood, such as the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) logo.
Check out the sustainability status of fresh fish and seafood in your
country via websites or apps, such as the SAFS (Status of Australian
Fish Stocks).
Read more:
- Is your favourite seafood sustainable?
- There aren’t plenty of fish in the sea so let’s eat all we can catch
- The Whole Fish Cookbook, Josh Niland
- EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Diet and Health
Nicole Senior is an Accredited Nutritionist, author, consultant, cook, food enthusiast and mother who strives to make sense of nutrition science and delights in making healthy food delicious. Contact: You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or check out her website.
Posted by
GI Group
5:07 am
40 years ago, David Jenkins and colleagues published the first paper to
propose that the glycemic index of foods might be an important measure
of nutrition quality. “It was introduced back in 1981 to rate the
glycemic character of the carbohydrate in individual foods like bread,
breakfast cereal, rice, pasta, apples etc,” says Prof Jennie
Brand-Miller. “The purpose was to swap one carbohydrate source with
another for snacks and in your meals (e.g. replacing a high GI breakfast
cereal like corn flakes with a low one like natural muesli).”
Choosing good carbs that are low or lower GI for your meals or
snacks is now a key dietary choice if you have diabetes. Evidence based
recommendations about diet and nutrition from the world’s major diabetes
organisations advise people with diabetes to use the GI or GL to help
them manage blood glucose levels and reduce their risk of complications
including diabetic retinopathy and kidney disease.
out the latest findings from two important systematic literature
reviews and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials – considered
to be the highest level of evidence.
- For controlling HbA1c and fasting blood glucose: A systematic review and meta-analysis published in Nutrients in 2018 shows low-GI diets are more effective in controlling HbA1c and fasting blood glucose than higher GI diets and the range of other diets that are typically recommended for people with diabetes including conventional carbohydrate exchange, high fibre and standard diabetic diets.
- For reducing risk of type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis published in Nutrients in 2019 shows glycemic index and glycemic load are important markers of food quality and do an excellent job of predicting type 2 diabetes risk for the population as a whole.
THE GOOD CARBS? These whole foods include milk and yoghurt; fruits and berries; starchy vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet corn); legumes (beans, peas, lentils); nuts and seeds; and grains (oats, rice, buckwheat, quinoa etc) and the traditional staple foods we make from them including noodles, pasta and sourdough and grainy breads.
GOING LOW GI Think of it as adding a filter to your regular healthy eating pattern. First, it only applies to the carb-rich fruits, starchy vegetables, legumes and grains you like to eat. Second, it’s flexible and can be tailored to suit a range of dietary patterns from high carb to low; Mediterranean to Asian; paleo to vegetarian/vegan; gluten-free or low FODMAP. Here’s our 2-step approach to going low GI.
- Step 1: Swap it: Replace the high GI foods in your diet with low GI ones. You can find out more about how to do this HERE.
- Step 2: Don’t overload on carbs: Choosing low GI is not a free pass to pile your plate. Keep carb-rich portions moderate so the glycemic load is moderate too. What’s moderate? It’s about a quarter of your dinner plate (inner rim) or 2–3 small lower GI potatoes such as Carisma, GiLicious, Nadine or Nicola, ½ cup diced orange-fleshed sweet potato or corn kernels or baked beans and ⅓ cup cooked basmati or other lower GI rice or al dente pasta.
Check out the Good Carbs Food Facts story in each issue. We create a complete nutrition information panel for these whole foods and traditional staples made from them along with their GI value and the GL of a typical serving. Use the search box at the top right-hand column of GI News to search for your favourite foods.
Search the International GI Database on the official website for the glycemic index based in the Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition, Exercise and Eating Disorders and Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney:
Read more:
- The Effect of Dietary Glycaemic Index on Glycaemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
- Dietary Glycemic Index and Load and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Updated Meta-Analyses of Prospective Cohort Studies
- Dr Alan Barclay: Reduce Glycemic Load and Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk
- Initiative on gestational diabetes mellitus: A pragmatic guide for diagnosis, management, and care
Posted by
GI Group
5:06 am
The risk of developing eye disease
increases as we age, potentially undermining our quality of life. The
most common eye diseases associated with ageing are:
- Age-related cataracts, a clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye, are a leading cause of vision impairment and blindness.
- Diabetic retinopathy is associated with diabetes and is a major cause of visual impairment and blindness. It develops when persistently high blood glucose levels damage the small blood vessels in the retina.
- Dry eye disease/syndrome occurs when the eyes don’t make enough tears to stay lubricated. This can make the eyes feel irritated, and in some cases, can also cause vision problems.
- Glaucoma, which may cause poor eyesight and can lead to blindness, occurs when the eye’s optic nerve is damaged due to increased pressure in the eye.
- Macular degeneration (also known as age-related macular degeneration or AMD) is a leading cause of blindness and severe vision loss. It refers to a group of degenerative diseases of the retina – in particular the macula, which is responsible for central and fine-detail vision.
The eye is particularly susceptible to oxidative damage, and oxidation and inflammation are implicated in the development of all of the common eye diseases associated with ageing. There is some evidence that dietary antioxidants and anti-inflammatories may help decrease the risk of age-related eye disease. This includes vitamin A, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, and vitamins C and E; selenium and zinc; omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid; and omega-6 fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid.
Vitamin A is essential for maintaining your eyes’ light-sensing cells (photoreceptors). Insufficient vitamin A may lead to night blindness, dry eyes or blindness, depending on the severity of the deficiency. Liver, egg yolks, and full-cream dairy products are all good sources.
Beta-carotene, a red-orange pigment, can be converted into vitamin A in the small intestine. It’s found in relatively large amounts in fruits and vegetables like cantaloupe/rockmelon, apricots (fresh or dried), orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, kale, spinach, and carrots.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are yellow carotenoid antioxidants known as macular pigments that function as a natural sunscreen. They are concentrated in the macula, the central part of the retina, which is a layer of light-sensitive cells on the back wall of the eye. Consuming foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin can reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases including age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Kale, spinach, parsley, green peas, lettuce, squash, Brussels sprouts and pistachios are among the best sources. Egg yolks, broccoli, pumpkin, asparagus and sweet corn are also good sources. Carotenoids are better absorbed when eaten with fats or oils, so dress your vegetables and salads.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables. There is some evidence it lowers the risk of developing cataracts. When taken in combination with other essential nutrients, it can slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration and visual acuity loss. Many fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C including berries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe/rockmelon, cauliflower, capsicum/bell peppers, citrus fruits, guavas and tomatoes.
Vitamin E is a group of fat-soluble antioxidants that protect fatty acids from harmful oxidation and thus protect cells in the eyes from unstable molecules called free radicals, which break down healthy tissue. Almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and vegetable oils like safflower oil and wheat-germ oil are some of the best dietary sources of vitamin E.
Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. When combined with carotenoids and vitamins C and E, it can help reduce the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration. Foods rich in selenium include seafood (shrimps/prawns, crab, salmon, halibut), poultry and eggs, Brazil nuts, enriched noodles, and brown rice (depending where it is grown). Zinc is a part of many essential enzymes. It plays a vital role in bringing vitamin A from the liver to the retina to produce melanin, a protective pigment in the eyes.
Zinc is highly concentrated in the eye, mostly in the retina and choroid, the vascular tissue layer lying under the retina. It also appears to be involved in the formation of visual pigments in the retina. For this reason, zinc deficiency may lead to night blindness. Good sources include meat, seafood (fish and shellfish), poultry, dairy milk and yoghurt and peanuts.
Omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA and docosahexaenoic acid or DHA) are important for eye health. DHA is found in high amounts in the retina, where it may help maintain eye function, and help decrease oxidative stress and inflammation. It’s also important for brain and eye development during infancy. DHA deficiency may impair vision, especially in children. The best dietary sources are oily seafood like salmon, trout, herring, sardines, crab and shrimps/prawns.
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is an omega-6 fatty acid that appears to have anti-inflammatory properties. Sources include evening primrose oil and hemp seed oil.
Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) have the greatest impact on our blood glucose levels. Consuming too much carbohydrate overall or too many high GI carbohydrates can lead to persistently high blood glucose levels and increase your risk of developing diabetic retinopathy, macular oedema, cataracts and glaucoma.
Talk to an Accredited/Registered dietitian to find out how much carbohydrate is right for you, and enjoy the low or lower GI varieties including quality wholegrains (e.g., grainy bread, al dente wholewheat pasta), legumes (beans, lentils and chickpeas), fruit and veggies (apples, pears, corn, peas, sweet potato, butternut pumpkin), dairy milk and yoghurt.
To help maintain optimal eye health, eat more fruits and vegetables, enjoy moderate amounts of quality meat, seafood and/or poultry and make most of low or lower GI carbohydrates.
Read more:
Alan Barclay, PhD is a consultant dietitian and chef (Cert III). He worked for Diabetes Australia (NSW) from 1998–2014 . He is author/co-author of more than 30 scientific publications, and author/co-author of The good Carbs Cookbook (Murdoch Books), Reversing Diabetes (Murdoch Books), The Low GI Diet: Managing Type 2 Diabetes (Hachette Australia) and The Ultimate Guide to Sugars and Sweeteners (The Experiment, New York).
Contact: You can follow him on Twitter or check out his website.
Posted by
GI Group
5:05 am
Ophthalmologist Dr Shanel Sharma
explains why it’s vital to be vigilant if you have diabetes and why the
eye is vulnerable to damage from the complications of diabetes.
is the most common cause of blindness for people between 20 and 65 and
diabetic eye diseases can affect anyone with diabetes whether type 1 or
type 2. Chronically high blood glucose levels over time damage blood
vessels throughout the body. Our small blood vessels are the most
vulnerable and are affected first. These include the small blood vessels
supplying our eyes, kidneys and our peripheral limbs (toes). People
with chronically elevated blood glucose levels have substantially more,
and more severe, retinopathy than those with lower blood glucose levels.
happens in the eye is that the blood vessels become damaged and develop
micro-aneurysms, start to bleed causing haemorrhages and stop carrying
blood, resulting in retinal ischaemia. Ischaemic retina causes the
release of a protein (VEGF – vascular endothelial growth factor),
resulting in the development of sick and abnormal blood vessels, which
can bleed or cause tractional retinal detachment and loss of vision. The
other major way people lose sight is from diabetic macular oedema, from
leaking of blood product into the macular. The macular is the part of
the eye that allows one to read, look at people’s faces, or do any fine
detailed work.
As there is usually a 10–15-year delay in chronically high BGLs
and appearance of diabetic eye diseases, it is important to control BGLs
well from the start. Although the damage to the eye is irreversible,
early detection and treatment can reduce the risk of blindness by up to
approximately 95%.
If you are diagnosed with diabetic
retinopathy, don’t despair. Good blood glucose control can reduce its
progression. People with diabetes who follow healthy eating principles
can reduce their HbA1c levels by 1 to 2 percentage points. On a low GI
diet, they can reduce can HbA1c levels by another 0.5 percentage points.
While this may not sound significant, a decrease of just 1 percentage
point in HbA1c levels will decrease the common complications of diabetes
by 19% to 43%. Talk to your doctor or diabetes educator.
blood pressure helps too. The UK Prospective Diabetes Study showed a
reduction of 10mmHg systolic and 5mmHg diastolic reduces the rate of
retinopathy by 30%.
As diabetic eye diseases most
commonly have no symptoms, it is essential to ensure that you are being
screened regularly by your GP, optometrist or your ophthalmologist.
Symptoms that are associated with diabetic eye diseases can include
intermittent blurred vision, difficulty with focusing, loss of contrast,
double vision or distortion to your vision. Additionally, diabetes is
an independent risk factor for developing other eye diseases such as
cataracts and glaucoma.
Protecting your eyesight is one of the most important things you can do to ensure quality and enjoyment of life.
Read more:
- Preventing Diabetic Retinopathy Progression
- Diabetic Retinopathy and Systemic Factors
- Blood pressure control for diabetic retinopathy
- Risks of progression of retinopathy and vision loss related to tight blood pressure control in type 2 diabetes mellitus (UK Prospective Diabetes Study)
- Dietary hyperglycemia, glycemic index and metabolic retinal diseases
Posted by
GI Group
5:04 am
We aren’t buying into the milk/fake milk debate. We know
people have a whole range of reasons (health, cultural, religious,
environmental, ethical) for choosing plant milks rather than dairy. We
do recommend you check the ingredient list for plant milks and choose
one with added calcium and B12.
For people with diabetes – Many people count grams of
carbohydrate or use 15g Carbohydrate Exchange or 10g Portions to help
match their insulin or blood glucose lowering medication to their
requirements. We have included both. A 15g Exchange includes food with
12–18g carbohydrate and a 10g Portion 7.6–12.5g of carbohydrate.
Cow’s milk, full fat (4%)
GI 30 (27–34)
Serving: 1 cup (250ml/9 fl oz)
Cow’s milk, reduced fat (1–2%)
GI 29 (20–30)
Serving: 1 cup (250ml/9 fl oz)
Cow’s milk, low/no fat, skim (less than 1%)
GI 29 (20–30)
Serving: 1 cup (250ml/9 fl oz)
Plant milks
Almond milk, unsweetened
GI 25
Serving: 1 cup (250ml/9 fl oz)
Oat milk
GI 69
Serving: 1 cup (250ml/9 fl oz)
Rice milk, regular
GI 79
Serving: 1 cup (250ml/9 fl oz)
Rice milk, low fat
GI 92
Serving: 1 cup (250ml/9 fl oz)
Soy milk, regular, added calcium,
GI 30 (24–37)
Serving: 1 cup (250ml/9 fl oz)
Soy milk, reduced/low fat, added calcium,
GI 36 (34–38)
Serving: 1 cup (250ml/9 fl oz)
Read more:
Posted by
GI Group
5:03 am
Broccoli is part of the brassica family of
vegetables (also known as cruciferous vegetables) that includes cabbage
and Brussels sprouts. It has been around since Roman times and still
popular in Italy; the name comes from the Italian word broccoli meaning
the flowering crest of a cabbage. We eat the large flowering head of the
plant. Broccolini is a newer incarnation with long slender stems and
smaller heads, and also known as sprouting broccoli – they are
nutritionally the same. They all contain cancer-fighting phytochemicals
including sulforaphane. Broccoli is also a good source of the B vitamin
folate for a healthy heart, vitamin C for immunity and fibre for
digestive health.
To retain its nutritional goodness and “fight-o-chemical” power,
cook broccoli as lightly as possible – do not boil. As with all
vegetables, broccoli can be lightly steamed or microwaved and dressed
with a little extra virgin olive oil and perhaps lemon juice, pepper,
chilli, or herbs of your choice. For an Asian direction, try soy, honey
and sesame seeds. Take care not to overcook and leave some crispness and
the rich green colour. To ensure the stems cook through before the
florets go mushy, cut a cross into the base of the stem with a small
sharp knife to quicken cooking. For added delight, sprinkle over
slivered almonds (or any nut really) that have been gently toasted.
Source: AusFoods, 2019
Posted by
GI Group
5:02 am
0:15 Prep (+ 30 marinating) • 0:25 Cook • 4 Servings • Main Meal • Easy Entertaining
½ cup firmly packed coriander (cilantro) leaves + extra to garnish
½ cup firmly packed mint leaves + extra to garnish
1 long red chilli seeded and finely chopped
1 garlic clove crushed
1 teaspoon finely grated ginger
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 whole snapper (1kg/2lb 4oz), scaled and gutted
1 lemon thinly sliced
chop the herbs, chilli, garlic, ginger and cumin in a food processor.
Add the lemon juice, olive oil and 1–2 tablespoons of water or enough to
make a smooth paste. Process until smooth.
Cut three
deep diagonal slashes through the skin and down to the bone on each side
of the snapper. Place in a large non-metallic dish and fill the cavity
with the lemon slices. Spread the spice paste over the fish and turn to
coat well. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F).
the fish on a large paper-lined baked tray and bake for 20–25 minutes
until the thickest part flakes easily with a fork. Serve garnished with
extra coriander and mint leaves.
Tip: You can replace the snapper with 2 x 500g baby snappers. The cooking time will decrease to 15-20 minutes.
Per serve
1185 kJ/285 calories; 52g protein; 7g fat (includes 1.5g saturated fat;
saturated : unsaturated fat ratio 0.3); 2g available carbs (includes 1g
sugars and 1g starch); 2.2g fibre; 219mg sodium; 1258mg potassium;
sodium : potassium ratio 0.2
Chrissy Freer, Book (The Anti-inflammatory Cookbook, Murdoch Books)
0:20 Prep • 0:40 Cook • 4 Servings • Entertaining
2 whole snapper, about 350g (12oz) each
1 lemon, sliced
1 bunch fresh coriander (cilantro), roots, stems and leaves, roughly chopped
1.5kg coarse sea salt
2 egg whites, beaten
2 stalks lemongrass, roughly chopped
Preheat oven to 200°C (400°F).
Clean the snapper and put lemon slices and 1 tablespoon of the chopped coriander in the cavity and season.
Combine the salt, egg whites, lemongrass and remaining chopped coriander in a large bowl.
a layer of the salt mixture in a baking dish and top with snapper. Then
completely cover fish with remaining salt mixture. You don’t want to be
able to see any fish at all.
Bake in hot oven for 40
minutes. The salt mixture will turn to a hard crust that you can crack
with the back of a knife – this is fun to do at the table for guests.
Then take out the steaming whole fish, brushing off any excess salt.
Per serve
785kJ/190 calories; 38g protein; 3g fat (includes 1g saturated fat;
saturated : unsaturated fat ratio 0.5); 1g available carbs (includes
0.8g sugars and 0.2g starch); 1g fibre; 3027mg sodium; 887mg potassium;
sodium : potassium ratio 3.4
Ian Hemphill with recipes by Kate Hemphill, Spice Notes and Recipes.
Posted by
GI Group
5:01 am
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Nutritional analysis To analyse Australian foods, beverages, processed products and recipes, we use FoodWorks which contains the AusNut and Nuttab databases. If necessary, this is supplemented with data from or
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Posted by
GI Group
5:00 am