In This Issue:
- Food for Thought
—Let's Do Lunch - GI News Briefs
—Test Is Best
—A Public Health Time Bomb
—Teenagers Make Healthy Changes Given the Chance - GI Values Updates
—No Time to Cook? Nestle LEAN Cuisine; Sanitarium Lunch Today
—What’s the GI of …? A Step-by-Step Guide to the GI Database on - Low GI Food of the Month
—The Antioxidant-rich Orange - Low GI Recipe of the Month
—Citrus Salad with White Wine and Thyme Syrup - Success Stories
—Sue Drops a Dress Size - What's New?
—Peter Howard’s Delicious Living
—Revised US edition of What Makes My Blood Glucose Go Up and Down? - Feedback—Your FAQs Answered
- I've read that while fats slow down the body's response to high GI foods, the body still sees the same level of glucose response from the food, just over a considerably longer period of time (which is perhaps not accounted for when doing GI testing). Is this true?
- What about a glossary? I'm familiar with glycemic index, glycemic load, and a few other ‘normal’ GI terms, but when I start reading terms like ‘glycemic response’ or ‘glycemic impact’ I begin to wonder whether I know anything at all.
- Are NutraSweet or Splenda considered as being low GI?
- Why is there no information about stevia?
- I read that people just trying to lose weight or eat more healthily should use GL, but people with insulin resistance (like me) should use GI. Is this true?

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GI News Editor: Philippa Sandall
Web Design and Management: Scott Dickinson
I would be most grateful if you could direct me to a source that would tell be if the OmegaZone energy bar (also known as a meal replacement) really is low on the GI curve. Dr. Barry Sears claims his is the only bar which has been given a low GI value. He further claims that his is the world' first patent food product to control insulin fora 4-6 hr period. But I cannot find any verification for any of this. Thank you so much.
I have a question about fructose. It's supposed to be low GI and sweeter than sucrose, so useful to substitute. But then we also keep hearing about how terrible high-fructose corn syrup is, and how it's implicated in the obesity epeidemic, especially in America. What's the story?
hi Cath, that's a good question - the problem might be that we cannot have too much of a good thing. those obese people may have consumed too much high fructose corn syrup, knowing that it's got a lower GI, but the downside is, they are taking too much calories. too much calorie intake plus too little physical activity make them fat.
Re fructose: 'Corn syrup solids' are often found on the labels of American foods. They are one of the most common forms of sweetener in America because they are cheaper than cane sugar. Corn syrup solids are essentially maltodextrins in structure and are made from corn starch by enzymic or chemical treatment. Further treatment can result in high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) solids, which are very sweet and contain roughly 50 per cent glucose and 50 per cent fructose.
HFCS are the main source of sweetness in soft drinks in the US and Canada. Although the name implies that they are predominantly fructose, they are just as high in glucose and are essentially no different to cane sugar after digestion. The GI of HFCS is the same as cane sugar (approximately 60). The GI of pure fructose is around 20. Some honeys (not all) have GI values in the 30-40 range and may be useful natural substitutes for cane sugar.
We haven't seen these GI claims for the OmegaZone energy bar and would suggest that you call or write to the ZoneLab people to provide the scientific support to back them up. Most companies have a customer service department that helps with this sort of inquiry. Or you could ask for the marketing department. We did a piece on energy bars in GI News December 2005 and gave the GI of some commercial products available in Australia and North America including Solo Nutrition Energy Bars.
Hi. Searching in your GI database amongst rice types the following seems to be the best for GI/GL:
Bangladeshi rice, variety BR16, pressure parboiled (27% amylose)
Where in Sydney can I find this product?
Thanks for your help.
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