Low GI and gluten free
Even on a wheat-free or gluten-free diet, you’ll find that there are many low GI foods you can enjoy. There is an ever-growing range of gluten-free products on supermarket shelves, and many foods that naturally have a low GI are also suitable for a gluten-free diet. So with a little extra care, you can still enjoy delicious and nutritious meals as well as keep your blood glucose levels within the optimal range. You’ll find low GI gluten-free foods in four of the five food groups:
- Virtually all fruits and vegetables
- Wholegrains in the bread and cereals group
- Legumes of all types in the meat and alternatives group
- Milk and yoghurt among the dairy foods.
Not many special gluten-free products have been GI tested. It’s important to ask (hound!) the manufacturer of your favourite gluten-free foods to do this with an accredited lab. Hats off to Australian company, Freedom Foods. Many of their gluten-free products have been GI-tested – a great help for people who have both type 1 diabetes and celiac disease who have to eat a wheat free diet and keep their blood glucose on an even keel. Although Freedom Foods porridge oats are manufactured in an oat only environment, it is probably a good idea to trial a small portion first if you have celiac disease to make sure you can tolerate them. Here are the results their GI testing:
Quick Oats Porridge GI 50
Gluten Free Wheat Free GI 50
Breakfast bars
Gluten Free Breakfast Bar GI 50, Omega BarGI 21
Strawberry Slice GI 58
Chick Pea Chips GI 44
Fruit strips
Apricot & Apple GI 29; Plum & Apple GI 29; Peach & Pear GI 29
Spaghetti GI 51; Rice Pasta GI 51
Flour shakes
Corn Fritter Mix GI 34; Pancake Mix GI 61
Fruit spreads
Apricot Spread GI 43; Strawberry Spread GI 29; Marmalade Spread GI 27; Raspberry Spread GI 26
Fruit and nut bars
Apricot & Almond GI 54; Macadamia & Pineapple GI 56; Yoghurt Coated Almond & Apricot GI 52; Simply Nuts GI 39
- Visit www.freedomfoods.com.au if you want to check out the ingredient list for these.
- For nominal serve sizes, available carbohydrate and GL, check out the GI database at www.glycemicindex.com
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