- 32 chews: why slowing down could help you slim down
- Squelch hunger pangs with low GI low-energy-dense foods
- Prof Trim on alcohol and weight
- Celebrate with dealcoholised wines and beers
- Johanna's sensational Spiced Pears with Zabaglione Sauce
This issue of
GI News is packed with tips to help you keep the pounds at bay over the festive season from eating slower and leaving the table feeling as though you still had room for a little more, to choosing low-energy-dense foods and cutting back on alcohol. News Briefs looks at glycemic control: how tight is right and how to get there while Alan Barclay reminds us that treating diabetes is a team effort and the most important member of the team is you. With four delicious recipes and a new low GI chocolate treat from Canada, there's plenty for good eating, good health and good reading.
Season's greetings.
GI News Editor: Philippa SandallWeb Design and Management: Scott Dickinson, PhD
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