Spelt is one of today’s trendy grains with organic
cred and a mystical “ancient grains” health halo. An older wheat variety
of uncertain parentage – possibly a hybrid of emmer and bread wheat –
it was long cultivated in parts of Europe, but fell out of fashion
because it is a hulled wheat (meaning it has a tough husk and is harder
to process). Today it is back big time and available whole, pearled,
cracked, rolled and green or milled to make flour and products such as
couscous, pasta, bread and breakfast cereals. In the kitchen you’ll find
it’s a very versatile grain with a nutty, al dente texture that happily
pairs with robust flavours or substitutes for regular wheat in most
recipes. We think it’s a good carb to stock in your pantry and doesn’t
need the accompanying hype.
Some nutrition and food writers make Very Rash Claims
that many people who can’t tolerate wheat can tolerate spelt. There is
no evidence for this in peer-reviewed science journals. Spelt is a
variety of wheat and it contains gluten (about 80% of its protein is
gluten) putting it very much on the Absolutely Avoid List for people
with medically diagnosed celiac disease.
Fans like to claim it is nutritionally superior to regular wheat. But when the Grains and Legumes Nutrition Council
checked this out recently they found a very mixed bag of research
findings. “The nutrient composition of spelt,” they report “appears to
vary depending on the variety and the environmental conditions where it
is grown. Belgian research examining milled and wholemeal grain samples
found that de-hulled spelt contains more copper, zinc, iron, magnesium
and phosphorus than soft winter wheat. Another study in Italy showed
that spelt contains more protein and soluble fibre than conventional
wheat varieties. This research further showed that bread made from
wholemeal spelt flour has less total starch and more resistant starch
compared with bread made from white flour (milled from both spelt and
conventional wheat). However, other research has shown no significant
difference between the nutritional content of spelt and (hard red)
winter wheat in terms of protein, fibre, vitamin and mineral content.
The exception was zinc content, which was found to higher in spelt
As for its glycemic index, it hasn’t been GI
tested but we would guesstimate pearled spelt to be similar to whole
wheat kernels. The GI of other spelt products from breads to breakfast
cereals will depend on the product and the amount and type of
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database
1 October 2018
Posted by
GI Group
12:02 am