- GL outperforms carb content in predicting BGLs and insulin levels
- The scoop on the FODMAP diet for IBS
- Kellogg's join the GI Symbol program
- Why traffic light labels miss the wood for the trees
- Do you need to eat every few hours to lose weight?
Food labels are in the news. The focus is giving shoppers clear and simple icons on the front of the pack to help make healthier choices easier. In the US, thanks to First Lady Michelle Obama’s urging, a voluntary ‘Nutrition Keys’ system covering calories, saturated fat, sodium and sugars is being introduced. Here in Australia, a government panel appointed to conduct an independent review of food labelling recommends switching to a traffic light system highlighting fat, salt and sugars. We believe that if governments are serious about dealing with obesity and type 2 diabetes, any changes must move beyond the current front-of-pack focus on sugars and include the glycemic impact of the product’s available carbohydrates (sugars and starch).
Good eating, good health and good reading.
Editor: Philippa SandallWeb management and design:
Alan Barclay, PhD
Irritable Bowel blog offers a summary of the FODMAP diet with links to stories and discussions: http://dysbiosis.blogspot.com/2011/04/fodmap-diet.html
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