1 August 2018


What’s not to like about rambling pumpkins with their softly hairy stems and elegant tendrils reaching for the sun. Boil and steam them for a quick side dish or soup, but roast when you want concentrated flavour and creamy sweetness. Toss some seeds on the compost and bingo, you’ll find yourself with a pumpkin patch.


“Pumpkins are nutritious as well as delicious. Their rich golden colour comes from high levels of beta-carotene, similar to carrots. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant thought to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers, and is also converted to vitamin A by the body. They also contain useful amounts of fibre, vitamins C, E and riboflavin,” says Nicole Senior.

Food skills – shopping: Look for pumpkins when shopping that feel heavy and hard with a firm unblemished skin and a consistent colour throughout. If there’s still a stem attached, make sure it is dry.

Food skills – storing: Whole pumpkins will keep for a long time when stored in a cool, dark well-ventilated area. If you buy a segment wrapped in plastic, it has a much shorter life as the cut surface can spoil quickly. Pre-packed peeled and chopped pumpkin is convenient but look for flesh that is close grained and not fibrous, dried or watery. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.

PUMPKIN nutrition facts
 Source: The Good Carbs Cookbook