In This Issue:
- Food for Thought
—Eating for Your Eyesight; 8 Tips for Making Your Eyesight Last - GI News Briefs
—Slimmer But Not Healthier; What You Should Know About Low Carb Diets and Ketosis
—Going with the Grain
—By Bread Alone - GI Values Updates
—Flour Power - Low GI Food of the Month
—Dining Downunder™ Chef Vic Cherikoff Talks About Wattleseeds - Low GI Recipe of the Month
—Vic Cherikoff’s Sweet Potato and Wattleseed Pudding - Success Stories
—Cliff Shares His Secrets for Maintaining Tight Glycemic Control and Weight Loss - Profile
—Dr Tom Wolever: ‘Research on the GI is very exciting; the more we explore, the more we discover. The health benefits are far-reaching: from diabetes risk reduction and management to long-term cardiovascular health ...’ - Feedback—Your FAQs Answered
—‘I have been low carbing (not excluding carbs all together, just switching to healthier ones) for over 3 years and have dropped my weight, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, etc. I appreciate that you don’t advocate a low carb diet – but where do you draw the line? How much carb is high, medium and low?’

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GI News Editor: Philippa Sandall
Web Design and Management: Scott Dickinson
Dear GI Group, Hi!
Sorry for posting this again but I think you missed my question in the previous issue:
Do you have any studies planned to assess the efficacy of low GI foods for diet-controlled diabetes? If you have already done some perhaps you could provide a link to your findings.
Additionally do you have a register of interest for such trials?
Thanks again for all your good work.
There have been numerous studies around the world looking at the efficacy of low GI foods for people with impaired glucose tolerance/diabetes/metabolic syndrome and we have reported on several in previous issues in GI News Briefs. Use the search facility to check them out. There's a nice bread study in this issue of GI News - 'By Bread Alone'. You may also like to read Cliff's story and be inspired! We don't have a register of interest at this time.
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