- New light on dietary recommendations for heart health
- New International Standard for GI testing
- How scientists measure a food’s GI
- New GI values for agave syrups and protein drinks
- Nicole Senior investigates the story that saturated fats aren’t that bad
- The scoop on stevia with Emma Stirling
The recent publication of the International Standard for GI testing is very good news for consumers. It will play an important role in ensuring nutrition and health claims about GI made on food labels and in advertisements can be trusted, and will assist food producers and manufacturers worldwide in formulating low GI products. A food’s GI value cannot be predicted from its appearance, composition, carbohydrate content, or even the GI of related foods. The only way to know a food’s GI value is to test it in real people (not a glass dish) following a strict protocol which Dr Alan Barclay describes in GI Symbol News. If you want to know the GI value of a food you like to eat and can’t find it on the GI database (
www.glycemicindex.com), contact the manufacturer and suggest they have it tested.
Good eating, good health and good reading.
Editor: Philippa SandallWeb management and design:
Alan Barclay, PhD
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This is really great information..and Nice Post. It’s really a very good post.
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