- Stocking a low GI emergency pantry
- 10,000 steps reduces diabetes risk
- BGL benefits of cinnamon and vinegar
- Green tea and satiety
- Do you need 8 glasses of water a day?
As I sat down to write this mid-January on a sunny Thursday morning in Sydney, the mopping up after the disastrous and tragic floods was underway in Queensland and around 9000 people had just been told to flee, as flooding threatens half a dozen towns in northern Victoria. Stay put they say and you could be isolated and left without any power for a week or more. It’s a reminder to us all that emergencies can happen anytime or place and whether it’s a natural disaster or a neighbourhood emergency, the things we take for granted (food, electricity, gas, water) could be disrupted in a flash. In Food for Thought, we suggest our top 10 tips for stocking a low GI ‘emergency pantry’ so you have energy to burn to take care of yourself, your BGLs and your family and in GI Symbol News, Dr Alan Barclay suggests 10 top snacks to keep you going in an emergency.
If you would like to help the disaster relief in Queensland, you can donate online to the Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal
Good eating, good health and good reading.
Editor: Philippa Sandall
Web management and design:
Alan Barclay, PhD
Big thanks for the useful info i found on Comentari de categoria nova.
you’ve got great elements there and I do like how you encourage the readers to take the time to think.
you’ve got great elements there and I do like how you encourage the readers to take the time to think.
It would be wonderful if your website and the people writing for it would please remember that while I (and others, presumably) understand that your focus is New Zealand (or seems to be, despite citing disasters in Europe and the US) we're out there too, and there aren't many resources as good as this one.
My google search for "Glycemic Index" (or low glycemic index) brought http://www.glycemicindex.com/ as the first result. This blog a link from that page.
Many of the foods cited in the top ten items to stock in a LGI emergency pantry were things that are specific the writer's country, brands with which I am not familiar, and so.
Please try to make the suggestions more "international" or possibly have a local and a general version of food suggestions.
Thank you so very much!
JLH, Esq., ALJ
(and syndrome X person ;)
Nice article, thanks for the information.
Dear JLH, Esq., ALJ (and Syndrome X person)
1. Thanks for taking the time to post your comments.
2. We are actually Australian based. But currently our hearts are in Christchurch New Zealand after the earthquake where the residents have no power or clean water ...and emergency rations are the order of the day for many people.
3. Almost all the foods listed in the emergency pantry are generic (canned beans, canned fish, canned and dried fruits, nuts, canned vegetables, fruit and nut mueslis and grainy crackers and shelf stable flat breads, instant noodles). This means it doesn't matter what the brand is. It's a good choice for an emergency pantry.
4. We mentioned brands as examples as those were the GI tested products in those categories. We would LOVE (I repeat LOVE) to have a long list of US and UK brands, but sadly food manufacturers outside Australia seem to be (a) reluctant to have their products GI tested and (b) invest time and $$ in devloping lower GI versions.
What can you do? Urge the manufacturers of your favourite products to have them GI tested. We look forward to updating our list with brands from all over the world. Alternatively contact Tesco is you live in the UK and find out what happened to their GI testing.
Meantime, the database at www.glycemicindex.com or the US or Australian editions of the Shopper's Guide to GI Values may give you more information about brands you are familiar with.
What can we do? Well, I'll be updating our list and will keep your comments in mind as I do. We are hoping to post it on one of our websites where it is readily available for readers at all times.
I think in spite of the usual belief that sugar contributes to the development of diabetes, it has medium (55-69) GI that produces lower blood glucose levels than the equal sum of calories obtained from starch and some other carbohydrates.
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